Justice Services
Innovation is needed in the justice sector. What services are solving justice problems of people? Find out more about data on justice innovations.
The Gamechangers
The 7 most promising categories of justice innovations, that have the potential to increase access to justice for millions of people around the world.
Explore Countries
Find out how people in different countries around the world experience justice. What are the most serious problems people face? How are problems being resolved? Find out the answers to these and more.
Find out how specific justice problems impact people, how their justice journeys look like, and more.
Home Country Comparison Page
Every year at least one billion legal problems occur in people’s lives. The Justice for All report estimates that 5.2 billion people cannot resolve a serious justice problem. The justice gap is huge!
After interviewing thousands of people in 16 countries we can identify trends in the epidemiology of access to justice, problem resolution rates and the paths to justice that people evaluate as most helpful.
Countries can be compared to each other. In two countries – Mali and Uganda, two surveys have been conducted in different periods. This allows to track indicators across time.
Our ambition is to extend the scope of the comparable access to justice indicators. Stay tuned for further updates.
The Justice Dashboard is powered by HiiL. We deliver user-friendly justice. For information about our work, please visit www.hiil.org
The Hague Institute for
Innovation of Law
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E-mail: info@hiil.org